St. Expedite Conjuring Blend
St. Expedite is great for work that needs a quick resolution especially court case and financial work!!
Just be sure to give him offerings and gratitude when working with or petitioning him for anything!
St. Expedite Conjuring Blend
St. Expedite is great for work that needs a quick resolution especially court case and financial work!!
Just be sure to give him offerings and gratitude when working with or petitioning him for anything!
I absolutely love this oil and the energy of St. Expedite. He works fast but with this oil either on a candle or on a petition he is double quick and i have found gives a bit extra. As the instructions say make sure to venerate him he appreciates loyalty. This oil is perfect for quick results.
He always comes through.
Always grateful for his support.
You absolutely have to get!! Got lower interest rate, student loan to $0 and better credit score!!!
absolutely get!! St expedite will help and btw he loves pound cake and sweets