Fuck Me! Oil

Blended to arouse and intensify. The name sums this blend up perfectly!

Fuck Me! contains herbs known to increase sex drive and heighten arousal.

Fuck Me! Oil



Blended to arouse and intensify. The name sums this blend up perfectly!

Fuck Me! contains herbs known to increase sex drive and heighten arousal.


15 ml, 30 ml

3 reviews for Fuck Me! Oil


Smells really nice and subttle ,nice use for Tantric manifestations🖤.

Laquita (verified owner)

Use this Fuck Me oil with intention and caution. I was sore for three days after. And he said he had something to prove. He did.

Angel (verified owner)

My partner goes primal when I wear this. Each and every time I have it on, we have an transcendental experience. I personally drop some on my neck and let it roll down my spin, and a drop on both wrists, behind the knees and ears.

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