Body Milk by The Alchemist

Body Milk is perfect for sensitive or dry skin. It makes up for lost moisture and oil while providing a gentle treatment to soothe skin.
Body Milk contains coconut oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower seed oil, & sweet almond oil as well as Cocoa seed butter & Shea seed butter!

Body Milk by The Alchemist



Body Milk is perfect for sensitive or dry skin. It makes up for lost moisture and oil while providing a gentle treatment to soothe skin.
Body Milk contains coconut oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower seed oil, & sweet almond oil as well as Cocoa seed butter & Shea seed butter!

New Larger 6oz Bottle!!

4 reviews for Body Milk by The Alchemist

Gigi Floyd

I received my body milk lotion and oil yesterday and I love the fragrance I purchased it for my son who suffers from eczema and we both put our hands on the bottle and placed our intentions into it I can’t wait to see the results paired with your mom’s healing arts oil. ✨ #goodjujupoppin


This is excellent for those who have sensitive and/or dry skin. It is a lightweight, non-greasy bodymilk that has a nutty, buttery fragrance. It instantly hydrates and revitalizes skin. It is indeed soothing, I’m sure it would feel great after a long sunny day (its winter for me now, but my skin runs rather hot, irritated & dry and this calms it down a lot. The fragrance might be a little strong for those used to fragrance-free products like lubriderm or eucerin, but its not unpleasant since the fragrance is all natural.

I highly recommend you try this lotion if you’re looking for a soothing lotion this winter.


Thank you 🙏🙏

Gigi Floyd (verified owner)

I had to come back and give you an update. So I received your mom’s healing arts oil and me and my lil man put some drops in the lotion with the intent to heal his eczema,right? Tell me why this boy have not scratched his skin to the white meat in like a month😏 like NO CAP!! I was just asking his older brothers if they noticed and they were like naw we haven’t seen him scratching at all. The scars are slowly diminishing but your lotion plus ya mom’s oil is the mofo TRUTH!!

Kim Weston-Moran

What is yr mom’s healing arts oils? I have eczema/ psoriasis

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